National stakeholders meeting in Slovakia
The final meeting of national beneficiaries NKOS and NUE was held on 28th february 2023, where we celebrated the successful completion of the project. This incredible journey was marked by excellent cooperation in efforts to promote digital transformation in the CEE region and support the development of a skilled and adaptable workforce. The project, funded by the European Union and involving various social partners...
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National stakeholders meeting in Hungary
The National Association of Employers and Manufacturers BusinessHungary organised an online meeting on 27th February 2023 for key stakeholders (researchers and trade unions) to inform them about the project outcome, with dissemination purposes. The results of the WorkTransitionCEE project were presented and possible future collaboration procedures were discussed between social partners.Invited: representatives of trade union confederations and employers' associations Number of participants: 19.
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WorkTransitionCEE Project Report
WorkTransitionCEE project was a significant initiative aimed at addressing the challenges and opportunities for the labour market associated with the impact of digitization and automation on different occupations and skills in Central and Eastern Europe. The consortium prepared a report presenting the main WorktranstionCEE deliverable and a project timeline with the events and reports prepared under the project umbrella. The project was co-funded by...
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National stakeholders seminar in Romania
On 23 February, the Concordia Employers' Confederation, together with the National Trade Union Bloc (BNS), organised the online workshop "Are robots taking our jobs? Implications of automation and digitisation in the CEE region", attended by representatives of employees, employers and local public authorities from across the country. By transferring best practices, we provided the framework to discuss these implications of the digital transition in...
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WorkTransitionCEE is launching a video on implications of digitization and automation for employees in RO, SK and HU
Digitization and automation are becoming an integrated part of our work. Therefore, education and training programs are essential to develop a set of skills that enable workers to adapt to new changes in the labor market. Under the WorkTranstionCEE umbrella we are launching a video, based on the research undertaken in Romania, Hungagy and Slovakia, with the aim of raising awareness about the opportunities...
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Policy recommendations for Hungary, Romania and Slovakia
The Covid-19 pandemic consequences, including rapid digitalization, and other tectonic shifts such as demographics and a shift towards green economy have greatly exacerbated this issue. With a quantitative limit to growth due to demographic decline, building skills to keep the pace with digitalization and wage growth is a prerequisite effort Romania must make in order to ensure further economic growth. There is already evidence...
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WorkTransitionCEE Project Consortium workshop
The WorkTransitionCEE project consortium representatives met in Bucharest on 6th and 7th December 2022 for a workshop to further discuss the project results and national policy recommendations. It was an opportunity for the project partners to share best practices & lessons learned from the WorkTransitionCEE project implementation, but also to discuss proposals for next steps at national and CEE level on the future of...
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National seminar on studies made in the framework of the WorkTransitionCEE project
Budapest, 24.11.2022. – Trade union members, officials and employers met to learn about and discuss studies on the effects of digitization in the world of work. A very lively discussion took place on current topics such as labor productivity and wages, the relationship between labor productivity and digitization, the development of artificial intelligence, and the future of jobs. The Vasas Trade Union Federation organized...
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Seminar “Good practices for the digital transition in the world of work”
The National Trade Union Bloc together with Concordia Employers' Confederation, as partners in the "Renewed social dialogue for a new world of work" project. The transition of jobs and digitization in two industrial sectors from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe - Romania, Hungary, Slovakia -WorkTransitionCEE" organized on 24.11.2022 the seminar "Good practices for the digital transition in the world of work -...
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Guidebook for employees and employers
Digitization, perhaps the most important transformation in the modern world of work, is changing the way we work, communicate and live. These unparalleled changes in history, require for fast adaptation on behalf of both employees and employers to maintain their place in the current and future socio-economic mix. The complex processes of adapting businesses, flows, skills and individuals are bringing about far-reaching changes which,...
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Elveszik-e a robotok a munkánkat? – Az MGYOSZ megvizsgálta az automatizáció munkaerőre gyakorolt hatását két ipari szektorban MagyarországonElveszik-e a robotok a munkánkat?
Az Munkaadók és Gyáriparosok Országos Szövetsége egy nemzetközi együttműködés részeként készíttetett tanulmányt, amely azt vizsgálja, milyen hatással van az Ipar 4.0-nak nevezett folyamat a gépjárműalkatrész-gyártás és a gépgyártás ágazatok munkaerejére. A kérdőíves felmérés és a vállalatvezetőkkel, munkavállalókkal készített interjúk legfontosabb következtetése az, hogy egyelőre nem kell tartanunk a munkahelyek tömeges elvesztésétől, ám a technikai fejlődés széles körűvé válásával a két ágazatban az alacsonyan képzettek...
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Innovative and competitive Slovakia: can our food industry and trade use digitization to their advantage?
The development of digitization and automation is significantly changing the functioning of most economic sectors. At the same time, it sets new requirements for the skills of employees. The question of success in the process of digital transformation is the level of preparedness of all of us – businesses, households and the state. The current challenges that Slovakia faces in this area and the...
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Concordia launches study on “The impact of technology on two Romanian industrial sectors: Auto and Petrol & Gas”
Concordia Employers' Confederation launches the research report on “The impact of technology on two sectors in Romania: Auto and Petrol & Gas”. The COVID 19 pandemic has accelerated the pace of transformation and automation, and technological progress is predicted to lead to the transformation or disappearance of millions of jobs globally. Concordia Employers' Confederation wanted to find out what is the impact of the...
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Co-creation workshop of the social partners in Hungary
Led by BusinessHungary, Hungarian social partners started preparing to implement the European Social Partners’ Framework Agreement. A co-creation workshop was organized in the frame of the WorkTransitionCEE project on 13th June 2022 in Budapest, with the participation of the project partners VASAS – Federation of Hungarian Metalworkers’ Union and different national social partners. The workshop's objective was to use the design thinking methodology to...
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Co-creation workshop in Romania on the future of work
Bucharest, May 20, 2022 - Two days of intensive work to develop solutions for the future of work with a focus on work transition during the co-creation workshop organised by Concordia Employer's Organisation. More than 4,000,000 jobs could be automated in Romania by 2030, using today's technology, according to a McKinsey study. What happens to workers, how many of them benefit from support, how...
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“Trends Shaping the Future of Work in CEE” report
4th of May, 2022 - Today we launch the “Trends Shaping the Future of Work” report, under the WorkTransitionCEE project umbrella. The report explores the available pathways to progress and how the CEE countries can become the frontrunners of the digital transformation for the benefit of employers and employees alike. How much automation and digitization will change our jobs in the coming years, what...
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Call for offers -Trends Report
Trends Report "Future of work and skills in Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia" Context: The global crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated the digitalization and automation but also increased unemployment in the EU to unprecedented levels. Yet many employers have difficulties finding skilled workers to fill their vacancies which affects their productivity and impairs a predictable and sustainable growth. The digital transformation overall, with...
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National seminar in Hungary
Working together for the benefit of all National seminar on the European Social Partners’ Framework agreement on digitalisation Budapest, 27/10/2021 – Trade unions, employer organizations and representatives of local government came together to discuss the effects of digitalization on the world of work. They discussed how to work together to deal with the challenges and identify the opportunities in order to draft strategies from...
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National seminar in Slovakia
Slovakia is once again an outsider in digitisation. The social partners discussed how to remedy this situation How to make a digital outsider a leader and ensure Slovakia's long-term digital competitiveness? And what are the real possibilities for fulfilling the Framework Agreement of the European Social Partners on digitisation? Is the implementation even real in current Slovak conditions? Representatives of Slovak Trade unions and...
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WorkTransitionCEE project is launching a dedicated website
Work transition is a click away. Do you want to know the latest trends about the world of work in Central and Eastern Europe? At you cand find relevant studies and reports, research findings and the latest news about the structural shift caused by the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology (Industry 4.0). The challenges raised by...
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Call for Offers – Jobscape Research
The Employers' Confederation Concordia launches a call for proposals for a thematic research that will analyse the magnitude of the digital transformation in two industries - automotive and oil and gas - to better understand the risks, challenges and opportunities in the world of work resulting from the digital transformation. The research will include two lots: • LOT I_Data gathering• LOT II_Data analysis Those...
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The first step together. WorkTransitionCEE kick-off event.
What is happening to the 21 million European citizens affected by both automation and the COVID crisis 19, how the pandemic has changed the way we work and what skills we need to develop to keep pace with a constantly changing world of work were the questions that were answered in the opening meeting of the WorkTransitionCEE project - a project co-financed by the...
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Prepared for the new brave world.
The world of work faces a large-scale shift due to the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology (Industry 4.0). Six organizations from Romania, Hungary and Slovakia joined forces in the “Renewed social dialogue for the new world of work. Job transitions & digitalisation in two industrial sectors in CEE countries –Romania, Hungary, Slovakia –WorkTransitionCEE” Project. For 22 months,...
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