WorkTransitionCEE project was a significant initiative aimed at addressing the challenges and opportunities for the labour market associated with the impact of digitization and automation on different occupations and skills in Central and Eastern Europe. The consortium prepared a report presenting the main WorktranstionCEE deliverable and a project timeline with the events and reports prepared under the project umbrella.

The project was co-funded by the European Union and involved a consortium of partners from three countries in the region – Romania, Hungary and Slovakia – engaging employers and employees’ representatives alike.

By engaging employers and employees’ representatives alike, WorkTransitionCEE focus was to underline how critical the following years will be for job transition in the new world of work. Specifically, our project highlights the importance of a strong European social dialogue and the need to implement the Autonomous Framework Agreement on Digitalisation to optimize the benefits and better deal with the challenges of digitalization.

Throughout the entire duration of the project, the project consortium focus was to underline how critical the following years will be for job transition in the new world of work. Based on the data collected through national research projects, trends analysis, national seminars and co-creation workshops, the project consortium developed practical tools and steps to follow when considering technology implementation, trends report on the future of work in CEE, job transition best practices and policy recommendations to stakeholders in the region.

Overall, the WorkTransitionCEE project represents an important contribution to the development of effective strategies for managing economic transitions in Central and Eastern Europe. The project’s focus on collaboration and partnership between policymakers, employers, and workers’ representatives has also been particularly valuable, as it ensures that the needs and concerns of all stakeholders are taken into account in the development of strategies and policies.

The project’s focus on practical tools, best practices, and policy recommendations, along with its collaborative and participatory approach, demonstrates the potential of this kind of collaborative and participatory approach to generate positive outcomes for workers and communities in transition, and can serve as a model for future initiatives aimed at addressing similar challenges in other regions. As such, the WorkTransitionCEE project represents an important step towards building more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable labour markets in the region.